What to Expect

(This is cross-posting to both They Stole Frazier’s Brain and Hero Go Home):

So just what can you expect now that I’m relaunching Hero Go Home?

Well, as long as I’m unemployed, expect a lot of content. I’m holding back right now, building up a reserve of things (and switching between projects means I’ve got a bunch of unfinished stuff floating around right now). And depending on what kind of job I get, that flow of content might not be greatly reduced (I applied for something very nice today that involves a lot of web work and a lot of content production, though not much creativity–it remains to be seen whether it will leave me too drained of enthusiasm to keep up with my own work, or leave me raring to go on stuff once I get home…assuming I get the job, of course, which is a long shot, but I really want this one).

So a typical week will look like this:

Tuesday: Classic Movie Review on examiner.com and a Hero Go Home Extra!
Wednesday: Big Game Wednesday on They Stole Frazier’s Brain
Thursday: Classic Movie Review on examiner.com
Friday: A new Hero Go Home chapter
Saturday: Out of the Vault on They Stole Frazier’s Brain (yes, it’s coming back)

plus a trickle of smaller posts and links to stuff I like, which will probably appear here. I don’t do a lot of that at Frazier’s Brain, because I’ve had this superstition about posting more than once per day, but I want people to visit Hero Go Home early and often, and one way to do that is to give them a steady flow of new stuff to see.

You may notice that Movie Monday is missing from this list. I actually want to start it up again as well, but I put a hell of a lot of time and work into those, and I don’t know if this new schedule would allow me to do it justice. If I have the time and start gaining traffic, I may take the plunge. I have all the Superman films gathering dust, just waiting for a mega-series.

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