Those who know me know that I’m not just about the superheroes. I also have a great love of old-time radio, so it is a thrill to be able to put together this tribute to the great radio horrors of the past.
Halloween Double-Feature Podcast 2011
Click the link to play in your browser or right-click to save to your computer. The program is about 45 minutes long and consists of two stories, “The April Fool” and “In the Dark: Deadly Fortune.” The first is more in the tradition of Quiet Please, while the second is more of a Light’s Out. The file size is around 43 MB.
I owe a big Thank You to the friends who helped me out by lending their time and voices to the project, even though they don’t necessarily share my love of the medium.
Barbara Farran and Randy Farran
Paul Batteiger of Adventurotica (warning-link is NSFW)
Eilis O’Neal, author of The False Princess
Also big props to Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech, Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″†There’s a vast array of fine free-to-use music on his site. If you can throw some love his way, please do.
If you’re interested in technical details, the program was assembled in Audacity, a wonderful freeware sound editor. These things are a lot of work, so I probably won’t be doing these more than once a year, but if you enjoy it, please tell your friends. If there is enough interest, I may do more.
Both stories are copyright 2011 by Tony Frazier. Recording can be distributed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″â€
Nice stories. Did you write them?
Yes, I did. Thank you.