Week 35.4 – Desperate Times

Previously: Digger and Cole were escaping the palace as Yi Fan and Twain were visiting Rada the healer. And now…

The Czar looked up at the sound of the sirens. “Find out what’s going on,” he said to one of his valets.

The man rushed off and returned moments later with Gansukh, head of the palace’s security detail. “Your majesty!” Gansukh shouted. “The prisoners have escaped!”

“Which ones?” asked the Czar.

“The three Americans who were brought in earlier,” Gansukh said. “Two escaped from the cell block somehow, and the third killed his torturer and likewise escaped.”

“Damn it!” the Czar yelled. “These guys are really starting to get on my nerves. I should have just killed them when I had the chance.”

“Yes sir,” Gansukh said.

“Find them,” the Czar said. “Don’t try to arrest them, just pin them in place and then let me know. I want to kill them personally.”

“Yes sir!” Gansukh rushed out of the room.


Rada didn’t think anything about this day could make her feel any more nervous, but seeing the Czar’s pet enforcer, the Ghost who had killed so many, down on her hands and knees wiping the vomit from her floor scared Rada even more. Everything was upside down. The second most powerful person in the region behaving like a servant, a prisoner giving orders, alarm sirens going off: Rada had a moment’s hope that she might somehow be free at last from the Czar’s clutches, but reminded herself that that was not how things worked. She was most likely not on the cusp of freedom, but rather on the precipice of an even worse servitude. That was the way the world worked.

[blockquote type=”blockquote_quotes” align=”left”]Rada didn’t think anything about this day could make her feel any more nervous, but seeing the Czar’s pet enforcer, the Ghost who had killed so many, down on her hands and knees wiping the vomit from her floor scared Rada even more. Everything was upside down…[/blockquote]The prisoner sat panting in the chair and said, “Healer, are you able to do more now?”

“Depends on how much more,” she answered.

“Let me show you then,” the man said. “Stand back.”

And then he grew blurry. Rada wiped at her eyes. When the man came into focus again, he was different in almost every way. His hair was shorter, his skin darker, his gear more suited for jungle hikes than prison. Even her kitchen chair was gone, replaced by a chair made of aluminum tubing, with arms that this man’s arms were bound to.

And there was a red stain spreading on his shirt.


The Soviet-made truck jounced away, creaking on its old springs as it passed between two trees and then up a hillside. Even seeing it now, Cole wasn’t entiely sure he believed it.

“Where is it going?” he asked Digger.

“Nowhere in particular,” Digger said, waving in the general direction of the truck. “Just that way, while we go there.”

He turned and pointed north-east. Cole turned and saw a high ridgeline in the distance. “Isn’t that the place Twain talked about?” Cole asked.

“Yeah,” said Digger.

“So you’re going to really try to take away the Czar’s powers?” Cole asked.

“Of course not,” Digger said. “That’s stupid. But if we can get the Czar on our side, then we’ll have the advantage. Twain will have to return my Drillers.”

Looks like another confrontation building. Who will come out on top? Don’t miss our next tension-filled episode!

To read from the beginning, click here

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